natural intelligence

pioneering AI's next frontier

Unlocking truly intelligent AI lies within the structure of our own brain.

Artificial Intelligence has progressed remarkably, with breakthroughs in machine learning, computer vision, and large language models. These advancements are creating incredible value by solving specific problems but fall short of general, human-like intelligence.

If we could build AI that thinks with the same clarity, reasoning, and thoughtfulness as the most insightful humans, we could transcend current limitations, revolutionize industries and transform our world with a new era of innovation and progress.

unveiling the power
of natural intelligence

Leveraging the world's most detailed digital copies of brains, inait has pioneered natural intelligence: a unique approach that infuses AI models with neuroscientific insights.

inait elevates AI, combining deep research with applied innovation excellence to maximize the value of business solutions. Our technology has proven to deliver breakthrough performance in the real world through our forecasting applications.

"The only map to unlock true intelligence is the brain."

Prof. Henry Markram, founder Blue Brain Project and co-founder inait

“inait experts turn cutting-edge 
AI into real business value.“

Steve Koltes, 
co-founder CVC Capital Partners and co-founder inait

natural intelligence 
goes beyond AI’s limits

natural intelligence replicates the building blocks of the brain – the only existing general intelligence in the universe.

It has a proven ability to go beyond AI’s limitations in several aspects of intelligence, complementing the breakthroughs in computer vision and large language models.


natural intelligence
creates superior business value

The ability to predict future outcomes is a fundamental building block of how brains achieve general intelligence. Our flagship quant product leverages sophisticated forecasts based on natural intelligence to deliver highly competitive returns, positioning inait at the forefront of algorithmic trading tech. The business potential of natural intelligence for forecasting is vast and extends far beyond fintech, in areas such as demand forecasting and predictive maintenance.

inait's AI pioneers are unlocking the secrets 
of natural intelligence

Over the last 5 years our pioneers from neuroscience and AI to business strategy have grown into a highly efficient lab-to-market team, transforming groundbreaking technology into real-world solutions.

creating value through natural intelligence

Building on our strong AI foundation, we create global business performance with natural intelligence innovations.

shaping the future
with natural intelligence

Our proven successes in extending today’s AI capabilities leverage complex deep recurrent network structures, spiking neurons, and other neurophysiological features – mirroring the brain's own remarkable capabilities.

Our vision extends far beyond forecasting, with reasoning as the next stepping stone towards AGI – Artificial General Intelligence.

To capture the full business value of natural intelligence, we combine it with the most recent advances in vision and language to build impactful solutions for a wide range of industry use cases.

Learn more about our products.

See natural intelligence in action